Author Archives: dicegetseriesdcu

Get Digital

How can I get digital?   Is it important to be digital?  Answers to these questions and many more weregiven during our last Mini-Conference – Get Digital. It took place on the 16th of April in the Helix. The time was split between a poster presentation and the followed Get Digital Conference.     Poster […]

Get Started

“Don’t die with the music in you.” None of us wants to die with the music still in us. However, a lot of people do. To make sure that this is not going to happen to you, GET STARTED! Get Started was the 4th Mini-Conferences taking place in the Helix as part of our Dice […]

Get Mobile

Am I mobile enough? Have you ever asked yourself THAT question? I did before attending the Get Mobile conference on the 4th of December. Dr. Theo Lynn opened the conference once again by taking a look at the technological improvements of the last fifteen years. Do you remember the days of the first mobile phones that […]

Get Social

How can I get social? Are social media really that important? Do I have to take part in the online development? Questions like this have been on my mind before attending the Get Social conference. Never knowing a lot about social media, I was excited to gain an insight into that subject. Opening The Get […]

Get Creative

On the 2nd of October our first Mini-Conference Get Creative by Nigel Newman took place in the Helix. Representing the Edward de Bono Foundation, a global organization which operates in over 40 countries and has 7.5 million “Bono Drug” users worldwide, our guest speaker came from the UK to get us creative. Nigel, himself, has […]