Get Started

“Don’t die with the music in you.”

Get StartedNone of us wants to die with the music still in us. However, a lot of people do. To make sure that this is not going to happen to you, GET STARTED!

Get Started was the 4th Mini-Conferences taking place in the Helix as part of our Dice module, it provided us with all the necessary information we need to make our ideas come true!

“When is the Right Time to Start”

The first speaker was Michael Kelly founder of GIY Ireland. “Grow It Yourself”(GIY) stands for a sustainable and healthier world. By bringing people together they can inspire and support one another to grow their own food. Founded in 2oo9 it grew quickly so that today 3o,ooo people are involved. 2o1o the organization launched in Australia and 2o12 in the UK.

What really impressed me was Michael’s attitude to take risks to start something new. He left his job to push GIY forward on a fulltime basis. I never heard about GIY before and if someone had asked me, I would have said that there is no market for that project. But obviously there is and I really admire Michael for having the courage. He convinced all critics.

So “When is the Right Time to Start”? Have a look at Michael’s checklist to find it out!


Getting Going

George Boyle, founder of Fumbally Exchange, created her business out of economic necessity after losing her job all of a sudden.

Fumbally Exchange is about “Making Work Together”. It sets up hubs where business, entrepreneurs and individuals which are part of the Design Community come together to work. In my eyes, the idea to create a Hub is so simple on the one hand and so effective on the other. Have a look at the video to get a feeling for their work atmosphere.

It impressed me how quickly George moved on after losing her job by thinking positive and creating this amazing business where people help one another.

Building the team

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.“

– Nelson Mandela –

On this belief Camara Education is founded. It is an international charity organisation launched 7 years ago in Dublin, now registered in the US and the UK as well.  Education is the key to break the cycle of poverty, therefore, Camara   uses technology to improve education in disadvantaged communities around the globe.

One of John Fitzsimons’ statements left a lasting impression on me.

Entrepreneurs need to know if they are still the right person to push business forward.

ojbäIn the case of Camara the founder is still active, however, John is the chief Executive of the business. I imagine it to be really challenging to recognize that you are no more the right person to push your business forward. Congratulation from my side to the founder for making that step!

Getting the word out there

Lucy Masterson is the co-founder of Hireland which helped 4,ooo people to get a job since it was launched in January 2o12. It was really enjoyable to listen to her because she talked in a very passionate way. To understand better was Hireland is about have a look at this:

Mostly impressed me that the idea behind Hireland is actually working and consequently new jobs are created. In my eyes Hireland is one of these examples that shows that everyone of us can make a difference.

Her presentation was about “Getting the word out there”. To do so, she gave us 7 rules to succeed, check them out, maybe they will lead to your next success.

7 rules

Making Money or Saving the World

Seán Coughlan of Social Entrepreneurs Ireland talked to us about “Making a Profit or Changing the World”. The main outcome of his talk is that whether you go for charity or for business the decision is not made right at the start. Entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs because the process is the same just the outcomes are different. So there is one road the entrepreneurship-road that leads to values. To choose charity/business at the end of the process was completely new to me.

Step by step we all get ready to “get started”!

Panel Discussion

In my eyes the most important outcomes of the Panel Discussion are:

  1. It’s a journey for all of us
  2. Break it into pieces
  3. There is support out there

We all have the potential to do something, to come up with something new, to become an entrepreneur, so let us think positive and believe in ourselves.

John Dennehy’s story of Success

kvWithout doubt John Dennehy’s carrier is mind blowing. He studied communication at DCU and all in all he was the founder or co-founder of 4 companies. To me he seems to be a real entrepreneur! Founding 4 companies is amazing, most people doesn’t even found one. One of his companies employed 4o additional employees within 9 months.

Beside of impressing us with his own personal story he gave us some tips, nothing new to us at this point, but still good to highlight their importance.

  • Flirt with the Media (get attention)
  • Set up a business EARLY (nothing to lose)

Raising funds panel

How do we finance a new idea? According to the present experts the excess to funding is not the problem. The question is rather, is the idea good enough to get it?

Outcomes of the talk:

  • You don’t want to give responsibility away
  • Build your own network, so that everything you need you can get from it. If not: EXPEND it!
  • Do you really need money? à YES: how much? (THEN ask for funding)

You need funding? See if one of this programmes work for you:

Conor Winders’ relaxed Way to Success

It was already the second time Conor spoke to us because he was also present at an earlier conference. Giving us his personal details to contact him for any queries made him very sympathetic and uncomplicated.

He talked to us about his own business, which was nice, but just one more story about entrepreneurship.

Best advice from his side: “starting up your own business doesn’t need to be creating the next google.” I believe it is the problem of a lot of people to only start a business when they think it can lead to something really big.

Let’s start step by step!

Irish Entrepreneurs panel

The Irish Entrepreneurs panel followed. Pete Conners impressed me. He is the founder of Paddy’s O’Granola. Click on the brand to have a look at his very well designed homepage.


Starting your own business is “tuff” and at the same time “incredibly rewarding” as Pete stated it.

32 marathons

Gerry Duffy shared an unbelievable story with us. It really touched me, have a look at it, everyone should have seen this:

Gerry challenged himself in a lot of extreme-sport activities, but it was the video of father and son that really impressed me and also inspired Gerry a long time ago.


I hope my short block inspired you to GET STARTED, as the Mini-Conference inspired me! And remember to make sure that you do NOT die with the music in you!


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