Get Mobile

Am I mobile enough?

Have you ever asked yourself THAT question?

I did before attending the Get Mobile conference on the 4th of December.

Dr. Theo Lynn opened the conference once again by taking a look at the technological improvements of the last fifteen years.

Do you remember the days of the first mobile phones that had a pull-out antenna?

At this time we would have never imagined mobile to be where it is today. The development is going faster and more global than ever before.

“Mobile as a term is just a reference to an eco-system that phones are part of.”

-Kevin Slavin-

Mobile is everywhere and we can’t stay away from it!

Let’s get mobile!


The first speaker with the intention to get us mobile was Dominic Muldoon from Ireland’s leading Mobile Marketing Specialist Púca.

The history of the telephone started in 1876 with its invention by Alexander Graham Bell.

Can you compare today’s phones with the first generation by Mister Bell?

Even though everything in mobile comes back to him, mobile has come a long way since the early days. Mobile is now bigger than ever. It isn’t just about calling, it is about MORE!

We are living in a multichannel world. It is all about connecting things and mobile is at the core. It is the perfect device for multichannel marketing.

“Mobile touches everything of our life” was the main message he brought across. You would go back home if you forgot your phone, but you wouldn’t for your wallet.

At this point I recognized how addicted I am to my phone …

I liked that the focus lied on informing us instead of promoting the company.


Eoin Cruise, Head of Sales and Marketing at Nokia, used the full time of his presentation to PROMOTE Nokia!

He talked about Nokia’s leading position in the past, their decrease in popularity and how they believe they can come back to the top.

Seeing the old Nokia phones made me thing about the old days when you played ‘snake’ on your parents mobile. A lot of users are disappointed with Nokia and a presentation that gives the impression that Nokia needs to promote its products so badly doesn’t improve their image!

Will the new cooperation with Microsoft be enough to bring Nokia up to the front again?


The next speaker was Patrick Ward from Microsoft who talked about the Windows Phone and Windows 8.

Windows 8 is the perfect solution for customers because it combines two devices:

PC and tablet.

He also promotes his company as every salesman would do, but in an informative and interesting way that wasn’t too opportunistic. I enjoyed having the new Windows explained. He also added a nice personal touch to it by showing pictures of his family.

App Expo

The App Expo gave us the chance to look at the other apps that were designed as part of our DICE module and to get feedback on our own one. It was really nice to see the different outcomes.


The Conference continued with Louis Phelan, Vice President at PayPal.

Firstly, she focused on „what are they buying?“:

PayPal is growing faster than the market. But what holds mobile back?

        1. SECURITY
        2. CONVENIENCE
        3. USABILITY

„Mobile payments are vital to capturing mobile shopping opportunity.“

SECURITY, SIMPLICITY and INNOVATION are therefore the main focuses for PayPal.

The future for PayPal looks great: 44% of total retail sales will be impacted by the web in 2o16. As more and more cross-channel sales are going to happen, mobile shopping will grow.

In my eyes PayPal has great potential for the future. As more and more convenience is added to mobile shopping by optimizing processes and by using QR codes, more of us will use it.

Panel Discussion

A panel discussion lead by Eric Weaver followed.

Thanks to Eric it was really good to listen to it, because he managed the discussion at ease by asking relevant questions and consequently structuring it in a clear way. They discussed the fascination of mobile marketing, the most amazing apps and whether Anroid or IOS is better.

Good Apps need to be clever and answer customer’s needs. Here are some that the ‘experts’ suggested:

→  Have a look at them!

Global Diagnostics

The last speaker Johnny Walker, founder and chairman of Global Diagnostics, gave the funniest presentation.

Global Diagnostics, presently operating in three countries, is a leading international provider of diagnostic medical imaging services.

Have a look at the following video, it gives a good insight into the job they do.

I really enjoyed the presentation, because I personally have been travelling through the Outback and I experienced that you often don’t meet any people for miles. Coming from a doctors-family I visited the Flying Doctor Services in Australia and their work was very impressive. I can just imagine how hard it can be to make decisions on your own as a doctor in the Outback.

Global Diagnostic, in my eyes, is a perfect example how new technologies can be used to improve our daily lives.

Mobile technology has a great impact on humanity, what seems impossible a couple of years ago is now part of our daily lives.

We have to stay curious and willing to take risks so that we will come up with more great ideas that push us forward! Johnny Walker is the best example for it.

Leaving the Helix that day I had a lot of thoughts in my head. The mobile world offers us so many opportunities. I did not know a lot about this field, so I really enjoyed gaining so many great insights.

The mobile world is developing really fast and I think you really have to pay attention to not lose track!

A conference such as this one gives us the opportunity to permanently stay up to date. Let us stay curious to use the great potential of mobile and to develop the next great idea.


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